
As you may well have experienced yourself, on-line dating up until now has been a complete lottery. We should know. As team of experienced on-line daters we’ve wasted countless hours travelling to dates where the person we are meeting isn’t exactly the picture painted on the tin.

Whether they are about 1ft shorter than they said they were, secretly married, an obsessive stalker or become abusive when you don’t respond to their advances, people paint pictures of themselves that just aren’t accurate. We have just had to take their word for it. Well all that is about to change.

foReal is an app that allows you to provide make an informed choice regarding your potential date based on constructive feedback that has been provided by previous foReal users. As long as your potential date is a foReal user, you can search them to get some feedback from previous dates.

Of course, it’s a two way street. If you’ve got nothing to hide it’s a great place to advertise yourself. The more positive feedback you get the higher rating you will receive and more requests to date you are likely to receive.

We want to create a community where dating is honest and as objective as possible. This will save us all a huge amount of time and energy which quite frankly we don’t have much of in our increasingly busy lives.